1. TERRI JANKE: Terri and I have known each other for over 20 years. And I am grateful daily for her friendship, inspiration, sense of humour and style. I was thrilled to be on a panel with her today – at the Sydney Writers’ Festival - about copyright and collaborations, and then simply taking some time out to eat lunch in the sun. Life is good.
2. JON DOUST: Jon’s one of my WA stalkers, but we like him. Seriously, he’s a top bloke and deserves respect given his novel Boy on a wire was long-listed for this year’s Miles Franklin Award. I was grateful to just sit in the sun, drink tea and appreciate the moment. Again, life is good.
3. ALEX MILLER: You all know I love Alex Miller and it’s not because I’m a character in one of his books – do you know which one? Or that he’s a deadly writer and twice winner of the Miles Franklin Award. It’s just cost he’s my mate, and I’m grateful for that. Spending time with he and Jon was like being with the Aunties.
4. INDIGENOUS WRITERS: Tonight I got to spend the evening with Boor Pryor, Cathy Craigie, Leanne Tobin and special guest from Fort Smith, NWT in Canada, Richard Van Camp. I was grateful not only for the opportunity to chair a session about writing processes and challenges as Indigenous writers, but I’m also grateful to the sizeable audience who came along to listen and share.
5. BLACKTOWN ARTS CENTRE: The long hike (100 mins) to get to Blacktown in peak-hour traffic was well worth it. The Blacktown Arts Centre is gorgeous, and I am grateful to them for hosting the Indigenous Voices, and Judith Ridge for coordinating our event as part of the Sydney Writers’ Festival. I’m looking forward to going back again sometime in the near future.
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