Sunday, July 31, 2011

B words I am grateful for today...

Pic by Jeff Busby

 BANGARRA: I’ve been going to Bangarra Dance Theatre  performances since their first production at the Seymour Centre back in 1993 when Praying Mantis Dreaming  first premiered. Over the years I have continued to be inspired by the international dance company’s ability to tell cultural, historical and political stories through dance. Some of my favourites include Ochres (1995), Walkabout (2002) and Clan (2004) which included a tribute to David Unaipon, the writer and inventor who features on the Australian $50 note. Of course my bias shows through with the writerly aspect, but it was I really loved the way in which Francis Rings choreographed the work in terms of the inventor’s theory of perpetual motion.

Most recently, I attended opening night of Bangarra’s latest offering, Belong, which tells stories about and identity (both community and individual). I found the performance affirming, uplifting, at times elegant and then chilling.

I am grateful for Bangarra for providing a cultural event that brings a cross section of the Australian community together to celebrate our stories through dance.  On opening night at the Sydney Opera House I saw artists and academics, politicians and public services, parents and their children, blackfellas and whitefellas, all united in their love for dance, Indigenous culture and a desire to understand the diversity and evolution of Australian identity over time and place (including Wiradjuri!).

Congratulations to Stephen Page and Elma Kris on another major achievement in Australian Aboriginal cultural expression that offers something to everyone.

BEN: I’m grateful to me nephew Ben. He turns 13 this week and last night we had a pizza picnic in my lounge room. We watched Alice in Wonderland – the original (yet enhanced) edition and had lots of laughs as we snuggled under a blanket with all the goodies one would have at the cinema. I’m now going to be the annoying Aunty who will want to do this more often...

BLESSED: Every day I realise how fortunate I am on every level of life. I have more than enough love, laughter, affection, time with family and friends. Breathing the warmer than usual winter air today after coffee with an old friend, I smiled to myself knowing how incredibly blessed I am.

BOOKSELLERS (INDY): I’m grateful the Independent Booksellers in Australia that provide exceptional service to me, not only as an author, but as a reader when I go into their store  and need help finding a title. Especially if I want advice on a genre or a subject. Some of my favourite Indy’s include Gleebooks  and Better Read Than Dead  (Sydney), Avid Reader and Riverbend Books (Brisbane), Fullers (Tasmania), Paperchain (Canberra) and Readings (Melbourne).

Do you have a favourite bookstore, please let me know....?

BEAUTIFUL PEOPLE:  I am grateful for the beautiful people in my life. I don’t mean cosmetic beauty (because I have met some very physically attractive people who are very ugly on the inside). I mean beautiful spirited people. Those who are generous with their time and affection. I’m grateful that I a surrounded by such wonderful souls every day.

1 comment:

  1. I believe your bevy of Bees are bloody beautiful - like you, Anita! ♥
