Sunday, August 7, 2011

Five ‘C’ words I am grateful for ...

CAFE - the pilot: On July 29, a dream came true for me when we filmed the pilot of my TV chat show, ‘CAFE’. Produced by Clear Content for NITV, I was thrilled to be surrounded by close family and friends in the very intimate setting of the Cruise Bar at Circular Quay in Sydney. I am grateful not only to those who came to cheer me on, but also my very, very special guests including the deadly co-captain of the Sydney Swans, Adam Goodes (pictured above), who entertained us all no end. Also blessing me with their presence was the dynamic musical duo Microwave Jenny, and the Godfather of Hip Hop Munkimuk. I’m also grateful to my side-chick Sharnee Fenwick and to my brother Mark who acted as roving reporting doing vox pops at the Sydney Bay Oyster Bar. Seriously, I couldn’t have asked for a better line-up to make the pilot. Now we’re in post-production so I’ll let you all know when it goes to air... until then I have finger, legs and everything else-crossed, hoping that the show goes into full production.

CHAISE LONGUE: I like the French term ‘chaise longue’ - no it’s not a typo – because let’s face it, saying ‘Come join me on the chaise longue’ sounds much sexier than saying ‘Come join me on the couch!’ I was grateful for my chaise longue conversations on Cafe!

CHEMISTRY: Not the science chemistry, but the term used to describe that ‘special feeling’ between two people that simply fancy each other. Or as my character Libby Cutmore so eloquently put it in Paris Dreaming: ‘I knew it was chemistry. I could feel the love drugs rushing through my body: the pleasure chemical dopamine gave that blissful feeling and norepinephrine was causing my heart to race... I was excited about being physically close to Ames and was ready to get high on the cocktails swirling through my body...’

CUDDLES: The perfect Sunday activity on the chaise or the couch or wherever you can get them. I’m especially grateful for cuddles from my nephews.

CHOCOLATE: No surprises there! I am always grateful for chocolate and with a birthday approaching I know the pantry is likely to be chockers (sorry for pun) in the near future!

What ‘C’ words are you grateful for today???


  1. Five 'C' Words I am grateful for this week...

    Charlie my Cockatoo - He is part of the family and lives in the house with us and has learned how to bark like a dog, as well as call the dogs "Come on! Come on!".

    Chardonnay - at the end of a long day, with a good book.

    Cuddles - from my Saint Bernard Benji - she is having major surgery to reconstruct her knee on Thursday. Extra cuddles this week.

    Cousins - last week I had a visit from a distant cousin - my great great great great grandfather is her great great great grand father.

    Colleagues with Cupcakes - We all had cupcakes baked by my colleague's children mistake....RSPCA cupcake day is next Monday

  2. Hey Steve! Love your C words, thanks for sharing. Could go a cuddle and cupcake right now :)

    Have a peaceful week... Anita
