Tuesday, July 26, 2011

'A' words I’m grateful for today ...

AMBASSADORS: I’m grateful to be just one of many authors and musos who act as Ambassadors to help raise awareness and funds to send books to Indigenous kids in remote communities. Our work through the Indigenous Literacy Foundation attempts to make real life changes to some of you most disadvantaged.  You can help too by organising an event on Indigenous Literacy Day, September 7. To see what we do, check out this short video... and please share. Thank you!

ANIMALS: Ummm, okay, truth be known, I’m not a big animal lover, BUT I do like CHOCOLATE  animals like Caramello Koalasand Freddo Frogs  (strawberry or mint flavour).

AMAZING: It describes sitting at Bennelong Point at midday with the sun streaming down on the most stunning harbour in  the world. Yes, I know I am biased. But I challenge anyone to sit at the Opera Bar and not feel the same way.

ANGELS: I have a few, they watch over me, protect me, keep me safe, and to some degree, keep me sane. Do you have angels too?

AMOROUS: There’s nothing better than expression of love. Hope you have some every day... :)


  1. If you're looking for someone to Hang out with at the Opera bar, just let me know. One of my favourite hangouts.

  2. Thanks Shaggygirl! It's the perfect spot almost any time of day, any day of the year, isn't it???
