1. DETOX DAY 3: I’m grateful for the caffeine in green tea which is the only thing I can drink other than water and 200ml of fruit juice in the morning.
2. ADVANCE COPIES: I’m grateful to have in my hot little hands the advance copy of the repackaged Who Am I? The diary of Mary Talence, Sydney 1937 . The book is an historical novel about Mary Talence, a young girl removed from her biological family under the Act of Protection and raised in Bomaderry Childrens’ Home, before being fostered out to a white family in St. Ives in Sydney. The new cover is above and you can order in all good bookstores now... and it will be on the shelf July 1.
3. GOOD SERVICE: After some very average service at Harvey Norman Alexandria yesterday, I was not only grateful but surprised by the extraordinary service I received from a young sales assistant by the name of Ashleigh at Harvey Norman Bondi Junction today. While selling me a notebook (which I aim to use to write my next novel) we also chatted about books, school, mascara and how youthful I looked. We like Ashleigh! *smile*
4. IRONING: I’m grateful I finally got through it all. But then what is a spare room for if not to let your ironing pile up.
5. LAUGHTER: I’m grateful that my hectic day was interrupted by outbreaks of laughter caused by my colleagues Veronica and Caroline. Thanks girls.
6. SPEAKING OVER TEXTING: I’m grateful for time, it really is a gift when someone gives you some of theirs, and you indeed give yourself some time. Today I took some time to catch up with someone I should’ve called weeks ago. It was good to hear his voice. Why do we always send emails and text messages? There’s so much soul food in having a real conversation, don’t you think?
7. DETOX DAY 4: I’m grateful for avocado; it helped me get through an otherwise mundane day four detox lunch. I miss chocolate, seriously I do.
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