Saturday, January 22, 2011

I’m grateful for horizontal ‘research time’:

Below are just five of my favourite places for finding peace and thinking through story-lines in recent years. In terms of writing, the hardest thing for me is piecing the story together in my head, before I even sit at the keyboard. This process takes lots of ‘thinking time’ in peaceful settings.

1. MAROUBRA BEACH: this is where I spend most of my weekends in summer – and even in winter I’ll just sit on the headland and think. I have a favourite rock to sit on where I stare into the Pacific Ocean, feel at peace and reflect on life and the lives of my characters.

2. NEW CALEDONIA: I’m fortunate enough to have been to Noumea a couple of times to participate in book festivals and I relished the opportunity to enjoy the stunning waters and weather. Noumea is the perfect setting for considering character development.

3. TAHITI: I was a guest at a book fair in Tahiti in 2008, and while the days were long – and very hot – I made sure I had time out to get more literary inspiration while considering the crystal clear waters of a secluded lagoon.

In 2010, the beautiful lagoon pools of the Sheraton Mirage Port Douglas provided me with motivation to get back to my desk... well not quite!

5. MAGENTA SHORES: Only last week I was on the Central Coast planning and strategising, and my head ached from thinking and being in meetings. Rather than spend the later afternoon my hotel room working on my current book, I decided the head would be better served lying by the pool and reading a fabulous – Vivian Rising – by Daniella Brodksy.