Sunday, January 23, 2011

I am grateful to photographer, Amanda James

I just want to say how grateful I am today to Amanda James - star photographer with a current exhibition at Customs House in Sydney. If you haven't had a chance to check out KNOCKOUT - grassroots Aboriginal Rugby League in NSW, then best you get moving as it ends on January 30.

Not only has Amanda been documenting some of our most important events, including the Deadly Awards down at the Sydney Opera House each year (indeed where we met), she also was incredibly patient with me recently as she tried to take a few pics for my new book.

Below are just a few of the hundreds she took, and I'm pleased Amanda captured different aspects of my personality.

If you're looking for a true professional be sure and give Amanda a holler...

This is the 'I'm-attempting-serious-look'...

Apparently, this the 'Women's Weekly pose'...

The 'I'm working-not-posing-shot'...

And the 'I can be demure-look'...almost...


  1. Gorgeous, all of them! Next time I get to choose a photog, I'll remember to request Amanda!

  2. Thank you! It really does make a difference using a professional. Of course the hair and make-up helps - although the Charlie's Angels girls could've been tamed :) Hopefully I'll see you at the Sydney launch of PARIS DREAMING in April 1st??
    Peace tonight,

  3. Hi Anita - I watched you on The Late Sessions last week. Loved Concrete Koori and Westfield Dreaming. I'm trying to think of an ethical way for a whitefella to appropriate it.

    Our Readers'group read Manhattan Dreaming last year. The group's(& mine) first foray into Chit Lit. It was very well received by the group; and our English migrant really enjoyed some exposure to urban indigenous women. Roslyn

  4. Hi Roslyn - thanks for dropping by and for your comments. Where is your reader's group based? I'd love to visit and have a yarn. My new book is out in April, could they possibly read TWO chick lit books???
    Need to get back to some 'reading' of my own right now - Saturday's paper to be exact, am a little behind! Peace, Anita

  5. Hi Anita

    That's a very generous offer but we are a tiny group who meet in my home on Gadigal land (Annandale); and I think you'd be better served better speaking to a broader audience.

    Another option would be to an Author's night at the Annandale local bookshop "Journeys Bookstore". If you are interested I mention your book could the owners I know both the owners.

    But I'm sure you are well enough know to approach them directly, for what it's worth you can mention my name.

    BTW you obviously know by know I couldn't resist tweeting your Concrete Koori line.

  6. Hi again, thanks Roslyn - am meeting with my publicist at Random House on Friday so will get her onto the Annandale store. The new move is to visit bookclubs so that's why I offered but store events are fun and get to meet even more interesting people. No worries re the concrete Koori line' as long as acknowledged:)
    Peace, Anita

  7. That looks so great! That's definitely something I want to look into doing. :)
