Friday, December 24, 2010

What I’m grateful for in 2010...

It’s that time of the year when I sit back and reflect on the year that was and the wonderful moments and people who have contributed to making my life’s journey so special. Below you'll find some of what I am most grateful for as I head toward the end of 2010.

1. FAMILY: I’m always grateful that my immediate family live so close by and that we spend so much time together. I actually spent the last two days with my nephews Ben and Matt – we shopped, gardened, cruised in the car, went to the movies and dined together. And we laughed A LOT! I’m also very grateful for all my extended Wiradjuri family I’ve spent time with this year in Canberra, Sydney and Brisbane. To quote Jeff Fenech, ‘I love yous all!’ Pic above of Matt, Ben and I.

2. FRIENDS: This year I have seen extraordinary acts of friendship which, at times, brought me to tears. I’m grateful for the consideration of some very special women in my life. Dawn flew into NYC for my book launch. Terri, Jake and Robynne rallied around on my birthday when I was trying to fly under the radar. Laura welcomed me into California and then brought me some emotional salvation via a late night Skype call from London. Sue drove me from Paris to Montquc and maintained conversation while I was speechless from exhaustion. Julie laughed and cried with me and gave me a home in Catalunya. Kimberley and Sonia did the Broome Street Hill with me as we talked about life. Geraldine, Nita, Carolyn,and Kerry can pick up the phone at anytime to yarn as if no time has passed at all. And finally, Caro and Veronica who made every day in my office seem like a day out with the girls. These friends and the moments we share are what make my year so special. Pic of Dawn and I above. Below is Laura and I with margaritas at Manhattan Beach and below that my dearest tiddas Jake, Terri and Robynne at the NAIDOC Ball 2009. And finally, Sue and I heading out of Paris for the south of France.

3. FITNESS: I upped my fitness regime in 2011. I tried yoga, zumba and on top of walking and going to my local gym, I enlisted the services of a personal trainer. Ok, so it mightn’t look like it because I refuse to give up chocolate and vino, but you know, life is all about balance, and let’s face it, it’s not a dress rehearsal peeps, this is all we have. I’m grateful for the efforts of my trainer who has to listen to me whine and cuss for an hour at a time, and I’m sure she’s grateful when each session is over. But we both know that I’m a much healthier person now that I was this time last year. Pic below is a pic of my cuz and training partner Bernardine and I training down Maroubra beach... it’s hard work!

4. FANS AND FOLLOWERS: I’m always amazed that some writers don’t feel they need to engage with their readers. Me? I love meeting my readers at libraries, festivals and other events, and sharing words here on the blog and on Twitter and Facebook. According to my stats here, I have readers in Australia, the USA, UK, Spain, Germany, Russia, Netherlands, Canada, France, India, Indonesia, Austria, Slovenia, Azerbaijan, Romania, Netherlands and Italy. So to my UN of visitors here THANK YOU for taking the time to read my words, often penned late at night when I am very, very tired! Your visits here make it all worthwhile. Hey, if you are somewhere not mentioned above, please let me know! Welcome and thanks to you also.

Ok, so I may not be grateful for the 40+ domestic flights I had this year, or the six international flights, or the time I spent watching suitcases going around, and around, and around the baggage carousel but I needed another ‘f' word. Seriously, I am grateful for the ‘flights’ because they took me to such exotic places as Paris and Perth, Barcelona and Brisbane, Atlanta and Alice Springs. And in all of those glamorous hubs I got to meet interesting and hospitable locals, indulge in local cuisine and culture and generate memories captured both on camera and in my mind. Many of which I have shared with you here on the blog. For 2011, I am already planning trips to New York and Ubud as well as numerous domestic events. You can keep up with where I am for book signings, lectures and writers’ festivals by heading to my website.

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