Sunday, December 19, 2010

I am grateful for the deadly women in my life...

1. MY MUM: My mother Elsie is so deadly, this week she was awarded an honorary Doctor of Arts from the University of Notre Dame in Sydney. Mum’s a member of the School of Arts and Sciences Advisory Board for the University, a member of the Archdiocese of Sydney's Peace and Justice Committee and co-ordinator of the of the Reconciliation Church at La Perouse. She was also a tireless worker and integral part of the success of Sydney's World Youth Day, encouraging and involving our Indigenous youth. Earlier this year, she worked closely with the Sisters of St Joseph to produce a liturgy for the canonisation of their founder, Mary MacKillop. Actually, she went to Rome for the event. What next Mum, canonisation for you? We are all very, very, very proud!

My little sis, Gisella, is a deadly cook and she only lives 2km away, enough said. (Pic below of Gis and I at the Deadlys this year)

3. CATE WALLACE: Cate works with Mum at the Aboriginal Catholic Ministry at La Perouse. She is Mum’s right-hand woman or Girl Friday (everyday!). In the role Cate plays, she is a major cog in the wheels of Mum’s professional life. Cate came along to the Mum’s graduation (see pic below) I’m also grateful Cate types up all Mum’s speeches (saves me doing them!).

4. BELINDA DUARTE: I’m grateful I’m on the board of the National Aboriginal Sporting Chance Academy for many reasons, one of them is having the opportunity to work alongside Belinda Duarte. Belinda is a Wotjobaluk woman born and raised in Ballarat, and is currently the National Project Manager for the Indigenous Employment Program with AFL SportsReady. She’s a qualified teacher, a former elite athlete and an ambassador for the State Government's Go for Your Life initiative, as well as a Member of the Board of Governance for VicHealth and the Indigenous Leadership Network, Victoria. As the Chair of NASCA she’s professional, efficient and inspiring. As a women, she’s just too deadly and gorgeous. [Pic below of Belinda and I]

5. OZ CO GIRLS: It’s seven years since I left my job as Communications Advisor for the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Arts Board (Australia Council), but I still keep in contact with the deadly women I used to work with there. I’m grateful for their continued and unconditional friendship, and for the time they took to have some Christmas cocktails recently. In the pics below are feature my tiddas; Michelle W, Michelle H, Lauren and Fleur. Merry Christmas ladies!

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