Wednesday, November 24, 2010

What I’m grateful for November 24:

1. BOOKS IN HOMES: I’m thrilled to be a volunteer Ambassador for the Books in Homes programme in Australia. Being part of an initiative that puts books into the hands of Australian students who may not otherwise have ‘their own’, is amazing. Yesterday I was at La Perouse Public School and saw the joy on the faces of every single student as they received their BIH backpack. So excited were they, that the teachers could hardly get a word in afterwards. The programme is successful because of those organisations who sponsor individual schools like the LPPS.
2. South Sydney Junior RLC: A bucketful of gratefulness to the SSJ Rugby League Club who sponosr the La Perouse Public School Books in Homes Programme. I was delighted to meet both Mr Keith McCraw (President of the SSJRLC) and Mr Spyro Spyrou, a Director of SSJRLC. You too can get involved as a sponsor or volunteer by clicking this link
3. ACCEPTANCE: I’m grateful for finding acceptance on an issue that was causing me trauma – which in lay, terms translated into me eating more chocolate than necessary for one woman in one day! Only problem is I don’t have any excuses now!
4. FILING: I kid you not, today I am grateful that I spent some hours filing: contracts, permissions, bookings, old research notes – my life! I can now (almost) see my desk and my office is prepared for the huge 2011 that awaits me.
5. CRANBERRY JUICE: It goes great with vodka and cointreau! Or just by itself. Either way, I’m grateful for whoever squashes them all onto juice I can buy at the supermarket. Thanks heaps.

Today’s pics taken at LPPS with permission.

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