Monday, November 29, 2010

I’m grateful for my friendships:

In the past week I have been spending quality time with some of my dearest friends and I am truly grateful to those who share my life’s journey with me. I'd like to pay special respects to:
1) KEVIN AND WARREN: I met my favourite boys when I was on the board of Gadigal Information Services, and from the first meeting we just – as they say – hit it off. We all love to laugh and have a similar approach to living life. This week we shared a lovely meal at my fave beachfront restaurant, Pavilion Cafe. A big congrats to my darling friends on their 20th anniversary and to Kev specifically on the release of his first novel Drama Queens with Love Scenes. You can view the book trailer here.
Above is a photo of Warren and I and below is the happy couple together at Maroubra Beach.

2) ALI: I met the lovely Ali when I was on the board of the Australian Society of Authors and she was the personable membership secretary. I think it was about a decade ago and I’m not sure how we became such good friends, but it wasn’t long before we were hanging out with co-ASA staffer Julie (see below). The three of us would meet regularly, taking turns to choose a different restaurant while we caught up. Ali and I also had a standing commitment to meet at the Sydney Writers’ Festival each year before she became a mum. Of course, everyone’s lives change over time, we all get busy and our days get more and more hectic. I’m grateful that last Friday, Ali came up from Wollongong for a slumber party with her gorgeous girl Josephine, and our friend Julie. We enjoyed watching Love Actually, the prefect film for chicks to watch on a Friday night. I’m also grateful for one of Ali’s more famous quotes in the press: ‘Anita has the best legs in Australian literature.’

3) JULIE: My dear friend Julie is a deadly graphic novelist and comic writer (check out her website Black Mermaid) as well as a genius cook. And you all know my skills in the kitchen are generally limited to microwaving eggs and putting chilli in baked beans for something gourmet. Well, I can tell you now that Julie mentored me brilliantly on Friday night as I prepared a very difficult mushroom risotto. I’m grateful that she not only forced me to push the boundaries in my cooking experiences but also for being patient with me. God knows, I wasn’t patient with waiting for stock to cook and then the rice to absorb it. I’m grateful more so for Julie’s similar approach to life to me, perhaps it’s because we are both Leo Princesses, love Lindt Macarons and appreciate shopping for accessories.

4. SONIA: Dear Sonny and I met at the Aboriginal Student’s Centre at the University of NSW back in 1992. She had landed a job there and I was an ex-student who dropped into say hello one day. We somehow became friends and a few times a year Sonny comes to visit. We eat chocolate and other yummy things, go and see Mum, catch up on all the gossip and watch a film. Last night we watched The Taming of the Shrew – Shakespeare Retold it was hilarious! I’m grateful that after nearly two decades Sonny and I can still just hangout and never get bored.
Above is a pic of Sonny and I. And below we have my gorgeous niece Audrey with us. Audrey loves the camera!

5. RAIN PEBBLE: Clearly, that’s not her name but seeing as she refers to me as Dr Sandy Beach, then I’ll refer to her as Rain Pebble here. Do you know those friends you have that seem to lift your mood with a simple, quick phone call? Well Rain Pebble is one of those friends. I’m grateful that this week I had a couple of quick chats that reminded me of the value of taking a few minutes each day to catch up with the people you care about.


  1. This post made me want to get on the phone (or Skype or email or FB) and get hold of my BFFs!! Lovely...

  2. I'm so glad the blog had that affect on you, and that you had some good catchups this week with your BFFs!
    Much peace, Anita
