Sunday, August 8, 2010

What I‘m grateful for this weekend... 7/8 August:

1. FEEDING THE DUCKS: There’s nothing quite like an afternoon at Centennial Park throwing stale bread into the pond and watching the little ducks cower under the threat of the big nasty swans. Seriously, I’ve been feeding the ducks for over 30 years now and they’re getting fat! It’s a tradition that started when I was child and we would take our bikes in the back of Dad’s Kombie to the park on Sunday mornings. I spent many days during my uni years at the park – which is an oasis in Sydney – feeding ducks, lying under trees reading... basically skipping class! I was grateful to be able to share the joy of the ducks this weekend with my nephews Max and Joey who are now skilled in ways of breaking bread and throwing underarm.
2. UNSW BULLDOGS: I was grateful for the opportunity to watch good-looking young men with fabulous arms run around the Village Green on Saturday afternoon. Ok, so one of the fellas was my brother but clearly I wasn’t watching him. But you can... there’s a pic above of Mark with Joey and Max.
3. SUNDAY’S AT LAPA: La Perouse on Sunday in summer is perfect; crystal waters at two beaches and delish seafood for picnics or dining. But winter isn’t that bad down there either. I was grateful to start the day at the Boat Shed with inspiring company, good coffee and delish Manhattan cheesecake (because I’m missing NYC).
4. BLUE BOXES: Another great way to start any day in any season, is to receive something special in a little blue box of the Tiffany’s kind. I am grateful to my friend (who prefers not to be named) who gifted me a little Tiffany’s heart today. It’s from the San Fran store so it adds another city to my list in stores worldwide I am collecting from. I think I may have to change my favourite colour from pink to egg-shell blue. Blue really does go better with my eyes after all.
5. RANDOM CATCH-UPS: I find it heart-warming to bump into friends randomly when I’m out and about, especially when they’ve been on my mind. Today I bumped into Sonia and her gorgeous daughters at Westfield’s. It was timely because she’d been on my mind this past week... I was grateful for the quick goss and giggle.

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