Tuesday, August 10, 2010

What I’m grateful for August 9:

1. DOWNWARD DOG: I attended my first yoga class at the National Centre for Indigenous Excellence and to my own surprise I managed the movements much easier than I imagined. It had been some years since I’d done the downward dog / tree pose / child's pose. I’d forgotten how much I like to stick my butt in the air in public! I can’t wait to go back. I’m grateful that I wasn’t kicked out for talking or laughing – this has happened in the past.
2. MALTESERS: Life can’t be all stretching and yoga mats, one must be able to have some small pleasures. I am grateful to a little box of Maltesers that was today’s pleasure.
3. LIQUORICE TEA: I know, who would’ve thought of it? Well someone did. And I love it. I’m grateful to the tea fairy who stocks the kitchen with delicious teas for my enjoyment.
4. ODD SOCKS: No, I’m not grateful I have them, but I am grateful that I managed to find partners for the 18 odd socks that had somehow made a home in my drawer over the past few months.
5. HUMOUR: Yes, I’m grateful I have a sense of humour, but more importantly I am grateful for those in my life who do also. I need laughter in my days, and as long as I’m not the brunt of the joke, I’ll always smile at the punch line!


  1. I am grateful that you should a picture of the malts. Thanks for sharing food porn with me.

    Rekaya Gibson, Author
    The Food Temptress
    The Food Enchantress, the sequel

  2. Yes Ms Rekaya - the food porn is just for you! :)
