Tuesday, August 17, 2010

What I'm grateful for August 16...

1. MOET MONDAY: Mostly I have manic Monday’s but today I had a Moet Monday courtesy of Caro. Nothing like a bottle of French champagne to make the end of the week look a little closer! I’m grateful to be sharing an office with such an incredibly generous colleague and friend.
2. ENGAGED STUDENTS: I’m grateful for engaged students - not students who are engaged to be married, but students who are engaged when I am talking! I had three school groups today as part of the Abbotsleigh Festival and the girls were so well behaved. I imagine the teachers there love going to work every day. Today's pic from the festival.
3. SPANISH ONIONS: they made my microwaved eggs for dinner seem just a tad more exotic tonight. And this is why I eat out so much!
4. POSTCARDS: Not many people send cards anymore, but my tidda Kerry always does and today I was grateful to receive a card from Alice Springs. Like any form of gift, it’s the thought that counts and so I am grateful that Kerry took the time to buy, write on and post my the little piece of cardboard to say she was thinking of me.
5. THERMAL UNDERWEAR: Yes, you can even get attractive thermals... well at least they are black. And they keep me warm on a cold night in lieu of other warming-options!

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