Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Being a grateful Leo Princess...

I had planned on flying under the radar for this birthday, after all, my 42 years have brought laugh lines and grey hairs that really don’t require celebrating! But someone let the cat out of the little blue Tiffany’s bag, and so I have some wonderful things to be grateful for, aside from the fact that I am good with makeup and have a fabulous hairdresser.
1. FAMILY: I’m grateful for my family not simply because I have no choice, but because my family really are ‘the best’ i.e. my sister organised a cake and dinner, my brother cooked a Sunday bbq, my cousin took me for brunch at Maroubra Beach and Mum had us all over to her place to celebrate. The highlight though, was my gorgeous niece singing ‘Happy birthday’ to me in her best Irish accent.
2. FRIENDS: Unlike family, we do get to choose our friends and clearly I chose well the past two decades. I woke on Saturday morning to receive gorgeous flowers (my favourite gerberas), chocolates (my favourite food group) and 24 pink and lilac iced cupcakes (my fave bite-sized cake) delivered to the house. Then a long list of phone-calls and emails from around the world. I felt like the luckiest girl in the world.
3. UN OF DINING – In three days I managed to consume some amazing food (yes, yes, yes, I still went to the gym and a 5km walk also, OK), but after dining on Spanish, Indian, Italian, Mexican and a BBQ over three days, I’m going to get my jaws wired for the next few weeks.
4. CAKE: I’m grateful for anything that you can put candles in. In my case it was a vanilla torte, cupcakes and even chocolate mousse!
5. GOOD LUCK CHARMS: I’m grateful for the good luck charms I received for my birthday in little blue boxes with white ribbon. Two Tiffany’s keys and a love heart are now with me every day.


  1. Sounds like your birthday was fabulous. May this be the start of a trend! Take care.

  2. Thanks so much Sherrice. I did indeed have a magical birthday. Peace to you from Sydney, Australia.

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