Tuesday, July 6, 2010

I’m grateful for NAIDOC in New York!

I was in New York to celebrate NAIDOC Week and I am grateful for the opportunity to present a lecture celebrating the evolution of Aboriginal literature over the past decade. I need to acknowledge the Australian Consulate here in NYC, specifically Fiona Gosschalk for coordinating the event. I’m also grateful to the Badanami Centre for Indigenous Education at the University of Western Sydney for giving me a roof for the week. DFAT in Canberra assisted by getting my books from Oz to NYC so massive gratitude to Tom Walter for his help that end.
I also want to thank all those locals who came along to the event on June 29 at the Consulate. Pics above include Australians living here and visiting the Big Apple this week, including: Matt Astill (owner of the The Australian Bar and Restaurant), Hazel Rowley (Aussie author living in NYC), Kodie Bedford (SBS Living Black), Geraldine Star (my life coach), Vanessa Rodd, Meredith Garnsey, Neil Willmet and his fiancée Sarah Goff.

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