Tuesday, July 6, 2010

I am grateful for the NYC launch of Manhattan Dreaming

On July 1st, deadly Aussie author Hazel Rowley launched my novel at The Australian Hotel on West 38th Street in Manhattan. My dear tidda Tara June Winch MCd the event, and old and new friends came along to celebrate with me. I am grateful for SO much, namely:
1. HAZEL ROWLEY for her sensational sense of style and humor in delivering her launch speech. I’ll post it here shortly! I was worried Hazie might steal my thunder with her dramatic performance, where everyone laughed and cheered. I was so happy to have the author of Richard Wright’s biography, also give her stamp of approval on my novel... but that’s what friends are for, right?
2. TARA JUNE WINCH: I want to be TJW when I grow up (even though she’s 18 years younger than I am). I dream about having half the literary skill of this writing genius! Thanks for the inspiration, Tara!
3. DAWN McCOY: my dear tidda flew in from Richmond, Virginia for less than 24 hours to help me mark this milestone in my career. We started with lunch at Docks Oyster Bar and Grill and finished the night at Lil Frankies in the Village. I wouldn’t have survived the day without Dawn’s support and I am so humbled that she made the effort to be there with me. And, we had a LOT of laughs. See pic above with guys doing roadworks outside the Australian Hotel.
4. THE AUSTRALIAN: like my character Libby Cutmore, I am not one to go to Australian bars abroad generally speaking, but I am so glad I found this jewel back in 2008. It is an institution, as is the owner Matt Astill, and ex-NRL player who also features in Manhattan Dreaming. Matt and his staff put on a fabulous spread of Aussie food and bevvies on the night to help celebrate in style. On a professional level it is in my top 10. If I land a publishing contract from tonight then it will be #1!
5. FAMILY AND FRIENDS: I am always humbled when people take time out of their day to come to one of my events or to read my books. So I was incredibly grateful to those who travelled from Sydney including my lifecoach Geraldine Star and Meredith Garnesy, Cathy Craigie and Miah Wright who made the long haul too. My friend Lorene flew in from Texas and a few friends including Vanessa and Robin travelled in from bed Stuy! I am truly grateful you are here to share tonight with me.
Thank you all for helping to make the night such a stunning affair – warm, fun, professional.


  1. Sounds like you have been having an amazing time Anita. I wanted to ask you about the word 'tidda'. Does it mean 'sister', or can it be more loosely used like a best friend or someone close to you?

  2. Hi there Deadly Diva !!

    Just catching up on your adventures and it sounds like as per... you are kicking goals, scoring a heap of runs and slam-dunking your way to success !


    Luv ya work mate... peace TEZ .

  3. Hey Cathy - greetings from Barcelona! I need to catch up on my blogging!! Yes, tidda is our word for sista, and a tidda can be a very good friend as well, of course! My next adult novel, after PARIS DREAMING is going to be about the strength of sistahood, and I think I may call it 'TIDDAS'. Hope all is well your end, peace, Anita

  4. TEZ!!!! Long time, great to hear from you. I was in a little village in the south of France to watch the World Cup grand final. Was very exciting, no? I'm in Barcelona now so the flas are flying high as you can imagine. I did hope to see Holland win though... the under-under dog if there is such a thing? Hope you are thriving!!! xx
