Saturday, March 27, 2010

What I'm grateful for March 27...

1. SLEEPING IN: I rarely sleep in, simply because I wake up early. I am most productive work wise in the morning, and I prefer to go to the gym in the morning. So when I do sleep in it is a real treat. I crawled out of bed this morning at 8.30am and I’m grateful for what felt like pure indulgence.
2. LINDA: I was grateful to my dear friend Linda who made time in her hectic schedule to meet me at Coogee for breakfast before she heads o/s in a wonderful four month adventure. What a perfect start to my day.
3. MAROUBRA BEACH: I’m grateful to get an hour sitting on a rock at the best beach in the world.
4. WEETBIX FOR DINNER: I had ‘brinner’ tonight (breakfast /dinner), consisting of Weetbix, honey, soy milk and dried prunes, which actually look like dead cockroaches, but taste really good. I’m grateful when it’s just a simple meal like that, so easy.
5. LES ENFANTS DU PARADIS [Children of Paradise]: What a fabulous film, which has been labeled the French Gone With the Wind. I watched it by candlelight as part of Earth Hour and it helped my research for Paris Dreaming. I was grateful to the very glamorous lead female Garance, and Frédérick Lemaître,the young womanizing actor for their skills in flirting, but mostly, I am grateful to Baptiste, the romantic pantomime for his belief in true love.

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