Saturday, March 27, 2010

What I'm grateful for March 26...

1. JOE WILLIAMS' DEATH CAMP: I had my first training session this morning at the Joe Williams’ Death Camp (as opposed to Boot Camp). I loved it. I even think my arms look better after one session. Is that possible? We worked out at the National Centre for Indigenous Excellence in Redfern. It’s a superb facility and I’m looking forward to starting boxing classes in the next few weeks. I’m grateful to JW for taking to time to train me.
2. LITTLE PEOPLE: And by that I mean my nieces and nephews - Liesl and Joey - whom I affectionately refer as ‘little people’ . I picked them up from school today, and I was grateful for the absolute joy they brought me as we cruised home in the car playing ‘I spy’. The simple things in life eh...?
3. DINNER WITH THE AUNTIES: My cousin Bernardine and I have a tradition of taking the Aunties out for dinner. Our Mum’s have just celebrated 50 years of friendship, and they still yarn and laugh like the old days. Bernardine and I sit and yarn and laugh with them too, sometimes at them, well you can imagine, they are hilarious and have so many stories. Tonight we went to the landmark Hungarian restaurant Corner 75 in Randwick, where the dinner conversation was dominated by shoe stories. I won’t bore you. It was a lovely night and I’m grateful that we all managed to do it as often as we can.
4. BEING A FULL-TIME WRITER: As I sat at my desk today and punched the keys writing the new novel, I was excited about creating new characters and scenes, and the best part, writing funny dialogue (well I thought it was funny). When I am focused on a book I am always grateful that my work is something that brings me such pleasure.
5. BOWEN LIBRARY: Wow, I punched ‘Paris’ into the DVD catalogue at my local library and they had over 100 options. I grabbed six DVDs to have my own mini French Film Festival this weekend as I get to feed my Paris Dreaming headspace to help the writing process. I’m grateful for libraries in Australia because they are fabulous cultural venues providing so many resources for learning and entertainment.

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