
Monday, January 11, 2010

What I'm grateful for on Sunday 10th January:

1. Working out in the heat: simply because you sweat faster and look like you’re working harder! I even impressed myself today with minimal effort. Josef, if you are reading this, then I worked by butt off, ok!
2. Dad’s memorabilia: we finally cleaned out my Dad’s wardrobe – he passed away in November 2005. It’s taken us all that long to feel OK about the process. It was actually a ‘remember when’ session as we remembered different places my father wore the same shirt or jacket. I found at least six t-shirts / sweat shirts I had bought him while travelling in Canada and the USA that had never been worn, tags still attached. My Dad believed in wearing something to the death before buying something new. And clearly he was waiting to kill some other pieces of clothing off before he wore mine. The ‘Vinnie’s pile’ went without a few items that we just couldn’t part with. But the memories really are more important than the tangible items though, right?
3. Green Acres: with Eddie Albert and Eva Gabor, because I know that’s what I’d be like living on a farm, and wanting desperately to be back in Manhattan. And I also have Lisa’s ‘flair’ in the kitchen!
4. COPS – the TV show: because it always reminds me of how glad I am that I am not on drugs!
5. Spinach: because it is good for me. But I want to know two things: firstly, how can a huge bunch almost disappear to nothing when cooked in my wok? Secondly, do I still get the same nutritional value even though there’s almost nothing on my plate at the end of the cooking process compared to the start?

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