1. ME DAY: I am SO grateful that I gave myself the day off after working crazy hours for the past weeks to get Paris Dreaming in on time. Today there were no emails, no phone calls, no work at all. Rather, I had a ‘me’ day, a rare occasion for those who are self-employed. I spent time with friends drinking coffee, eating food and catching up. Life, as they say, is pretty good.
2. RICHARD WRIGHT: I am grateful for the biography of writer and activist Richard Wright, penned by my friend Hazel Rowley. I am inspired by Wright’s story which makes me want to be a more committed writer with a stronger focus on social justice.
3. MASSAGES: I’m grateful for having a stranger run their hands all over my body... all in the name of distressing of course! I’m a fan of the services provided at Ella Bache in Coogee.
4. JAFFLES: I’m grateful for anything I can cook in the wok or the microwave. When I’m feeling adventurous though I’ll pull out the jaffle-maker. Tonight’s three-hatted dish: salmon, cheese and vegemite on Helga’s Soy and Linseed.
5.SLEEP: Sleep came very easily after doing nothing by “Anita things” all day. I’m always grateful to unbroken slumber.
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