Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Alexx Stuart is grateful every day... here's why...

I’m pleased to welcome today’s guest blogger Alexx Stuart, whom I met at the recent Women in Focus Conference (see blog below!). I attended Alexx’s Health and Well-being workshop and it reminded me of the importance of listening to my body, especially as I am constantly on the run across town, and states.

Today, in the spirit of connecting as women with similar gratefuls, I’m thrilled that Alexx has shared her own here…


Alexx says she is grateful for…

Family. I am grateful to have a supportive family and an amazing partner, who let's me fly. Friends often say things like 'wow, and Ollie's cool with you doing that? Going there?' and similarly when he travels to amazing places for work, "I bet you hate that you don't get to go…" I have to say, I get excited and Ollie does too for me. Partnership is about lifting each other up and letting each other fly. It's about nurturing bravery, the seizing of opportunity and the support in each other's endeavors and beliefs, so that you live a full life - both together, and as individuals. I totally chose awesomely if I do say so myself and I am so grateful we found each other and have our beautiful little man with us for the ride. 

Gifts. I have always taught and directed, ever since I was tiny. Bossy little thing I was. As I got older I got better at getting people on side and better at making people feel good about converting to a new way / product. While that was very useful in a sales marketing career across cosmetics and hospitality, I never realised until last year, that I could really help make a difference once I developed a personal interest in health and well being. I'm so grateful to be able to transition into this new career phase, helping people regain their best possible wellness and re learn the wisdoms we've lost to convenience and clever marketing. To be truly able to help in an area so needed is just so exciting. 

Travel. I love to travel and I'm so grateful for the change to have travelled twice in this past week to Port Douglas and the Gold Coast to see life out of a different window for a few days. You can't put a price on what that does for the soul. 

Friends that lift you up. I have seen again and made so many new connections this past week thanks to Women in Focus and Problogger conferences and am excited no end at the new people coming into my life and the conversations I have now in my every day. No status quo talks. We're all too busy helping each other be the best we can be and having fabulous giggles and experiences along the way. 

My grandmère, who's 93 birthday it would have been yesterday. She taught me desserts, and while they were classic French all white flour / white sugar versions, it is her inspiration I carry with me today, as I finish editing my first book about to be launched, on healthy treats. I hope she's up there somewhere licking the bowl in spirit and while I'm sad we can't share the moment, I'm excited to have had such a beautiful woman as a grandmother for the 34 years that I did.

Wellness. I never take feeling well for granted and am grateful every day. When you've been sick in the past for long periods of time, you have the gift of perspective. If you've been more or less well and never sick, take a moment to think: Wow, I'm lucky, and be proud to continue to invest time into staying well. 


You can check out all of Alexx’s recipes, inspirations and ideas on low tox living here!

You can follow her on Twitter and join her at Facebook


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