Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Steven Oliver: a poem on why Reconciliation is important

Many of you will have met deadly poet and performer Steven Oliver here before with his powerful and challenging words on identity (Real and Me I Am), but today he's sharing what Reconciliation means to him, as part of National Reconciliation Week 2012.


I had a cut upon my foot
At first it wasn’t worth a look
It didn’t bother me at all
This cut I had that was so small

I walked around on it for weeks
What did I care I still looked sleek
I simply hid it with my shoe
It seemed to be the thing to do

But then when I removed my sock
Boy was I in for a shock
I came to realise this day
The cut had just not gone away

If anything it’d gotten worse
And now seemed like a violent curse
That laid upon my beautiful foot
Displaying its infected look

I started to cry, I could not talk
For I realised I could not walk
The little cut had come to be
Something big now harming me

Why? I questioned my own self
Did I not care about my health?
I should’ve when I had the chance
For now I am not free to dance

Or jump or run against the wind
And feel the breeze against my skin
Moving forward it would seem
Felt as if it were a dream

But then I stopped and took a breath
Before I got out of my depth
And let the fear take a hold
For then the drama would unfold

I realised for me to feel
Better I must start to heal
This cut that threatened my well being
That I had left so long unseen

Had to be dealt now with a hand
That would make me a better man
I sought advice and came to see
Just how foolish I had been

If only common sense prevailed
And I saw what ignorance entailed
Then I would’ve fixed it straight away
Instead of waiting for the day

When pain and suffering made me see
What really was the best for me
Was to take care of what I had
And to never let it get that bad

I’ve fixed it now and thankfully
I walk around quite easily
I walk and run in leaps and bounds
And strut my stuff about the town

I strut my stuff because I can
Because I’m now the kind of man
Who’s finally come to realise
It’s just no use trying to disguise

Something wrong when obviously
If you’re not healed then you’re not free
So fix whatever may be wrong
For when you’re well, you are strong

© Steven Oliver 2012

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