Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Thank you Melbourne!

I’ve always loved visiting Melbourne. Of course there’s fantastic shopping and delish food, even if the place is lacking in the kinds of beaches that keep me in Sydney. But I digress, as I often do.

I DO love Melbourne, and no more than this past week when I visited to speak at the Wheeler Centre alongside my friend Martin Flanagan; the man who has taught me to write with conviction and from the heart always.

After a few false starts, I was thrilled, humbled and driven to tears to see and experience an outpouring of support and friendship at the WC, and I’d like to take this opportunity to acknowledge the 300+ audience who came along to share, engage and better understand the purpose of my new book.

I am grateful to the staff of the Wheeler Centre lead by the wonderful Michael Williams. Thanks also to the organisations represented there on the night including Melbourne University, Amnesty International, the Koori Heritage Trust, the Victorian Aboriginal Legal Service, as well as local librarians, writers, publishers and members of the general public. YOU ALL ROCK!

To my beautiful tiddas pictured below, it’s a blessing to share not only the writing journey, but life’s path generally. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Many thanks also to Margarita Windisch for her open letter to the Green Left Weekly the following day. WOW!

Melbourne it really is hard not to love you. I’ll be back in June yarning about education, Reconciliation and identity at Trinity Grammar School. I  might see if I can get some of that great shopping and food in while I am there!

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