Wednesday, February 22, 2012


Written and illustrated by Gladys Milroy and Jill Milroy
Magabala Books 2012 $19.95

Gladys and Jill Milroy are the mother and sister to Sally Morgan and David Milroy, so we already know that storytelling runs through their veins before we even read their published works. Their ability to use their skills is demonstrated purposefully in this cleverly written, beautifully illustrated, serious kid’s book titled Dingo’s Tree.

The story of Dingo and his friends Moon, Magpie, Wombat and Little Tree (who becomes Walking Tree) presents an engaging and colourful environmental story for kids. Its about the effect of mining on the landscape; where poles replace trees, where mining cuts scars so deep into Country they will never heal, where raindrops are tears and where the living creatures have to work together to survive.

But when the river stops flowing and the mountains are cut away and all the trees felled, what happens to the wildlife?

This is a picture book for lower primary and will help young readers to understand a significant challenge we all face today. Something they should also be aware of, regardless of age. And while the message is important and intense, the illustrations are inviting and colourful. I’ll be doing story-time with my nieces and nephews with this book for sure.

Published by Magabala Books in Broome, Dingo’s Tree is another compelling story from Western Australia that will touch a nation of readers.

Dingo’s Tree will be in-store on March 5, but you can pre-order your copy NOW through Booktopia


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