Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Faith Gray is grateful for deadly, vibrant women…

 I’ve been fortunate to have some very loyal followers here at my blog and also on Facebook, and even though many of us have never met, we share an appreciation of books, reading and literacy, inspirational women and quite often food (especially chocolate). And for that I am grateful!

One such woman is Faith Gray who I’ve had many brief conversations with on Facebook, having recognised connections with mutual women friends, some highlighted in Faith’s blog below. Some readers will recall these women from my own posts in the past. Indeed, at least two women Faith is grateful for feature in my forthcoming memoir, because they have featured in my life for many, many years. Too much mystery I know, but today is about Faith, and all she is grateful for, so without further ado…

 Faith says:

Wow, what an opportunity I’ve been given, having followed this blog and learnt about some amazing people, to now share what I’m grateful for. I have no credentials with which to introduce myself, except to say that I’m a 30 year-old Indigenous single mum of two children, with a love of working with young people and developing leadership skills in their lives.

Today and every day I am grateful to be a woman, a daughter and the mother of a daughter. Obviously I’m very grateful for my little boy, but today it’s about the girls, sorry my son!

I’m grateful for the women who inspire me, whose stories I now share with my own daughter as she embarks on the ever-changing career options and plan for her life.

My mum is the woman I most admire, as single-handedly led our family by example, allowing us to see truth, integrity, compassion & enduring commitment in action. She has guided and allowed me to be who I am, a strong-willed, passionate and all too opinionated Indigenous woman, despite not always knowing what makes me ‘tick’. As a non-Indigenous woman my mum has supported my desire to go & learn more about my cultural heritage and asks only that I help her understand along the way. She daily teaches me what courage is and what being a real mum looks like.

As I teach my own daughter about our nation’s strong Indigenous female leaders, I am so grateful for their determination, their vision and their drive, providing all Indigenous people in this great land of ours with wonderful opportunities and inspiration.

During my graduation ceremony for my Certificate IV of Indigenous Leadership, I had the honour of meeting Aunty Lowitja O’Donoghue. Aunty graced me by sharing with me her heart and desire for young people to ready themselves for leadership, to become equipped with the wisdom, knowledge and skills to take the baton of leadership when the time comes. I am grateful for her wisdom, for her example, that she spoke so openly with me. I felt more ready to embrace the next transition of my life from that one conversation, and have learnt so much more from learning more about her life in the time since meeting her.

I’m grateful for other deadly, vibrant women like Dr Jackie Huggins, Kerrie Tim, Terri Janke and my gorgeous, talented friend Anne Kngwarreye Hanning. All of these women have identified their own strengths, they’ve looked for ways both professionally and personally to represent & protect their culture and all done with style, elegance and excellence.

Finally I’m grateful for this wonderful author, Anita Heiss, for her style, her openness in sharing her creative processes and for this opportunity to share something close to my heart. It’s wonderful to be able to share my appreciation of and brag openly of some of the truly gifted, capable women this nation has to offer.

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