Tuesday, November 29, 2011

EFF words I am grateful for today....

1. FAMILY: The word ‘family’ sums up the meaning of love, support, history, togetherness and everything that I hold dear to me. I am always grateful for my family, especially those I get to see almost every day.

2. FRIENDS: I am blessed with extraordinary friends, and today I’d like to pay tribute to Robynne who I laugh with every day. If we did an audit of our weekly phone calls I think we’d laugh even harder. Aside from everything else Robynne adds to my life, she is one of the few people I can travel with – and our pic above is from Port Douglas in 2010 where we were celebrating birthdays.

3. FEELINGS: I’m grateful for all of them, but particularly the positive ones: love, joy, optimism, pride, awe, euphoria, passion and of course GRATITUDE!

4. FRISKY: I’m grateful that I feel frisky... most days!

5. FABULARSE: Yes, I know it’s a bit naughty, but then so am I. And so, today I am grateful that I’m naughty enough to say ‘I hope you had a fabularse day!’ (I need to acknowledge I appropriated that word from my friend Sonia)

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