Sunday, October 23, 2011

I’m grateful for a West End weekend…

1. WEST END – I moved into West End on Saturday morning and immediately felt at peace. Many say it’s Brisbane’s version on King Street, Newtown, but – obviously due to size – it is much less chaotic and cleaner than it’s big Sydney-sister. Walking along Boundary Street, I enjoy the indy, groovy, somewhat grungy feel of the place and the fact lots of blackfellas in the street. I’m grateful for feeling more relaxed here (than the previous week in Spring Hill) and having my first good night’s sleep in a week.

2. GUNSHOP CAFÉ: One of my favourite eating places in the whole of Brisbane is the Gunshop Café  in West End. It holds many dining memories that will make their way into the novel I am currently writing. I’m grateful for time there this weekend with Larissa and Michael to create new memories but also for me to kick back and observe, think and write. PS Go the Swiss mushrooms for brekkie!

3. JACARANDA TREES: Everyone keeps telling me I’m lucky I’m here now because the jacaranda trees are in full bloom. They needn’t tell me though, as I can see and appreciate them myself. I was so in awe of and grateful for their magnificence last night as I did a walk at dusk along the riverfront at WE that I took some pics. Love this one above.

4. RIVER WALKS: I walked a lot on the weekend, especially along the riverfront. I passed joggers and do-walkers, family barbecues, lovers having picnics and kids having birthday parties. I was grateful not only for the exercise – which was the original point of the walk – but also to be a witness to such wonderful lives being played out in the leafy suburb.

5. RESEARCH ASSISTANTS: I’m grateful to both author Josie Montano (pictured below) and filmmaker Tracey Walker for willingly, without any begging, agreeing to be ‘research assistants’ on the weekend, tasting fries (at the Groove Train), and cocktails (try the Hong Kong Phoey at Jam Jar) all in the name of ensuring my novel was researched thoroughly. Such devotion to the craft of writing.