Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Bris-Vegas Residency… I’m grateful for day two!

 Day two in paradise – sunny Brisbane – and I’m grateful for the following:

1.     DRIVING DISASTERS: I’m embarrassed to admit that I struggled to get out of the car park in the apartment block I am staying in this morning. It took a phone call and a hot flush to finally see the Commodore drive under the roller-door. But my problems didn’t end there. The TomTom (which is in French) didn’t work and I hadn’t paid enough attention in the cab ride the day before to remember the route to the QUT Kelvin Grove campus only a few kms away from Spring Hill. More hot flushes made me feel like menopause was much closer than I wanted it to be and tears were close to the surface. When I finally got it working and arrived moments later – even with a wrong turn (yes I was watching the TomTom all the while thinking of Tim Tams) – all the spots I’d planned on parking in were taken. I was approximately 40 minutes late for my 8.30am desired start to my writing day. HOWEVER, as everything is considered research when I am in writing mode, I knew I’d get a good scene out of this morning for my new novel as one of my characters hasn’t driven for over a decade. At least she has an excuse for such poor execution of her vehicle. 

2.     MY MUSE: With my eyes peeled for the day’s next installment to assist with story development, I squealed with delight to stumble upon my new muse just outside my office window. Some will remember my previous Brisbane-based mused last March, but I had to give him the flick, because he wanted me to write about him instead of my deadly female characters. I’m grateful for the new muse because he made himself known to me by sitting quietly in a courtyard reading my books. Such a devoted muse he is (pictured above). Okay, so I know some are thinking he’s a stalker, but I don’t like to think in the negative. I’ve put him on muse-probation. 

3.     PRINCESS ANITA: Not to confuse you, I’m not talking about me here, but the other Princess Anita (pictured above), who is overseeing my stay here. I’m grateful for her and her tiara, which reminds me that it’s completely normal to come to work with appropriate headwear. I’m looking forward to seeing what she wears on Melbourne Cup day!

4.     DEAD SPIDERS: When I picked up a coffee mug to wash today it had a dead spider in it. I’m grateful it wasn’t alive. Enough said.

5.     EARLY MORNING RUN: Okay, so this is a weird one, as my legs are already feeling the after effects of what I should be doing every day of the year. I guess I’m really grateful I ran because tonight I can eat whatever I like… can’t I?

6. THE BARRACKS: Home again, and I'm grateful for a lovely evening with Sidonie Carpenter (landscape architect and designer) and her entourage, Ian at THE BARRACKS. No wonder they call Brisbane 'Bris-Vegas' - it was like pulling into a casino when I turned into the precinct to park!

So, what are you grateful for today??


  1. hehee. Being that you're in Brisbane count yourself lucky it was a spider and not a cockroach.
    How long are you here for?
    Long enough to venture across town for more Traffic Research in the interests of procuring the best sushi in town?
    Trust me, it makes all the cursing of the GPS and the difficulty of finding a car parking space worthwhile.
    Kotobuki sushi
    Opposite Mowbray Park city cat
    53 Lytton Road East Brisbane.
    I have many other good eating tips for the displaced hungry author.
    Welcome to Brisbane!
    cheers Sara/Quok

  2. Thanks for the eating tips Sara - would you believe I am full constantly here. I can't stop eating!! Here for a month and loving every single minute!
    Peace, Anita
