Saturday, June 11, 2011

Five quotes I am grateful for today...

Most days I rely on positive affirmations / mantras via the wise words of others who bring significant reminders to me on how I should move forward with my day. I often use the following quotes when managing my own workload and practical motivation and my emotional well-being. My days are also jam-packed with writing, wonderful family and friends, lots of laughter (and sometimes tears) and of course, conversation over good food. I want to live a complete life, so quote #4 below is a daily mantra... do you have one?

Here’s five quotes I’m grateful for today:

1. ‘Don't worry about failure. Worry about the chances you miss when you don't even try.’ – author unknown (I first read this in 1990 when I was working as a cadet in the public service in Canberra. I have always remembered and reminded myself when I’m fearing failure.)

2. ‘Happiness is not something ready made. It comes from your own actions.’
- Dalai Lama

3. ‘Hate is too great a burden to bear. It injures the hater more than it injures the hated.’ - Coretta Scott King

4. 'I've got a great ambition to die of exhaustion rather than boredom.' Mark Twain

5. 3. ‘Don't cry for a man who's left you, the next one may fall for your smile.’ - Mae West

NOW: What great quotes are YOU grateful for? I’d love some more words of wisdom, so please share.


  1. Hi Anita, Try this one which I have carried around like a well loved blankie for ages...To change everything simply change your attitude. Of course Dory's (from Finding Nemo)is timeless in a fishy sort of way...Just keep swimming...Dimity PS I don't really have a blankie!

  2. Hi Dimity!

    Regardless of blankie - we all have one don't we? :) - today I will just keep swimming. Love it. Thanks for dropping by and sharing.

    And am working towards changing everything :)


  3. Thank you for the great quotes Anita! They all feel relevant to my life in one way or another. :)

    A quote I go back to when I want to chicken out:
    "Life begins at the end of your comfort zone."

    Have a great day!

  4. Oh Madicken - I LOVE that quote. Thanks so much for sharing it here. I will retell for sure.

    Much peace, Anita
