Monday, May 16, 2011

Weave-ing, writing and wonderful women… I am grateful…

I’ve had a rather extraordinary week with interesting, inspiring writers, readers and visual artists. I’ve engaged in friendly banter with backpackers and heartfelt conversations with girlfriends. And every day I have been grateful for how my life has been enriched by sharing time with family, friends and colleagues.

Here’s just a few moments in time I am grateful for this week:

WEAVE ARTS CENTRE: As Patron of Weave (formerly South Sydney Youth Services) it gave me great pleasure to officially open the Weave Arts Centre and the inaugural exhibition ‘Breakout’ on May 11. What was once Everleigh Carriageworks, has now been transformed into an art space for young people dealing with mental health issues. In this new space they can be creative, they can work solo or collaboratively, and they have innovative ways to assist recovery. Included in the exhibition is The Hills Hoist project (pictured above), featuring donated hospital gowns transformed into objects of social comment. I am inspired by and grateful for work of the artists and the potential for true community engagement with some of our youth who are often forgotten. [Pic below is of major supporters of weave Doug Taylor, CEO of United Way and Roy Waklin King Redfern Waterloo Authority]

SUNDAY AT ROYAL RANDWICK: The writing community is a generally caring and sharing group of people and over the years I have formed some of my closest and most significant friendships with writers. One of my newest ‘friendly writing accomplices’ is the lovely Lisa Heidke, author Claudia’s Big Break among other highly popular novels. I’m grateful for her launching Paris Dreaming last Sunday at the Randwick Library, donning her tiara in allegiance with the Koori Princess and then attending the ‘after-party’ across the road. Much gratitude also to Twitter friends Benison O’Riley and Dianna Draganovic (pictured below) who shared in storytelling… and a little Irish story-making…

CHARISMATIC CONCORD: When 1/5 of the audience sitting in front of you is men over 50 – and your books are written for women 18-45 – you’ve got to be happy. I was delighted to return to Concord Library to a room full of interested and interesting readers of my books. There to talk about Paris Dreaming, we had a lot of laughs and I think I may have even blushed at one point at the offer of one or two local fellas want to help me research my next novel. Big kudos to Claude Broomehead (Coordinator Concord Library) and Jim and Sophie from Dymocks Burwood (they have autographed copies in stock so drop on by and say hello!). Pic of us below.


  1. Anita, I had a fabulous time launching your book - thanks so much for the opportunity!
    The Weave Arts Centre sounds amazing and the photo of The Hills Hoist project looks incredible. Lisa xx
