Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Bris-Vegas research trip day 4:

What I'm grateful for today:
1. THE CLIFFS: I have a new favourite breakfast spot in Brisbane (it was previously the Gun Shop Cafe in West End). I now want to start every morning at The Cliffs Cafe at Kangaroo Point. I’m grateful for some of the best coffee I’ve ever had, a delicious breakfast wrap but most of all, the catch up with my sista Jackie Huggins (above) as we enjoyed the relaxing, peaceful atmosphere overlooking the river. Highly recommend it, and I will be back there for sure.

2. STATE LIBRARY OF QLD: I’m grateful for many things at the SLQLD; the funky spaces to work in, the free wifi, the airy coffee shop that has a coastal feel to it although by the river, the gift / book shop (that also stocks my books), the calming views from Level 2 that make it a delight to sit and work/write. I had a productive three hour writing stint only broken by a tour of the Red Room and the River Deck where my Paris Dreaming event will be held on April 30. Hope to see you there!

3. kuril dhargun: I’ve been to the kuril dhagun Indigenous Knowledge Centre at the STQLD a number of times, and I was inspired to return today especially to see a current installation titled ‘Last line of defence’- a collection sandbags related to the recent floods in Brisbane. Tiny sandbags have been filled and commented on by visitors to the space. I filled one too and wrote (see pic above). I’m grateful there is a designated space for storytelling, learning, sharing. Drop by and feel at peace, just like I did, while you check out the range of resources available for free, or get along to A Night By The Fire on the first Tuesday of the month, where you can hear guest speakers discuss art, life and politics. Today I also learned that kuril refers to the native marsupial known as the water rat. There’s also a kids exhibition of ‘kurils’ in show at the moment. One of my favourites was the ‘Spiderman kuril’ below.

4. SINGLE MEN: Oh my god! It’s fair to say I have found where all the good looking single men in the country are. I can’t tell you the exact location because then there’ll be an influx of gorgeous women, I don’t need any more competition! My research went up a notch tonight, and I didn’t need assistance from the muse at all... which is lucky when you consider the below...

5. THE MUSE: I think the muse now wants to be a writer. Today he told me he was getting into character, in order to see what life was like for the women in my new novel. He did a spa-day and I’m grateful that he swapped the beanie for the hot-towel wrap. Muse quote of the day: ‘I’m coming back as a woman...’ announced right after he had a Brazilian wax.


  1. Anita, it was so lovely to catch up last night. I enjoy reading your Grateful for.. Blogs and about the interesting and funny things you're doing while you're in Brisbane.
    Glad our city is doing the right thing for you and that your research is going just fine!

  2. Thanks Sheryl. It's the perfect setting for creative inspiration. But the heat...!
