Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Bris-Vegas Dreaming research day 3:

What I'm grateful for today:

1. AIR-CONDITIONING: The heat was so fierce at 9am, I thought I was going to melt into the tar I was walking on between my apartment and the hospital next door. If I didn’t get into an air-conditioned cab I was going to check myself into emergency with heat exhaustion. I love it here but it’s seriously hard to remain elegant in such debilitating heat!

2. UNI OF QLD: I love the UQ campus so much it makes me want to go back to study! I smiled at the familiar surrounds of the campus when I arrived this morning. It was day two of session and the uni was buzzing with fresh-faced first year students all comparing timetables. I did six hours productive research, thinking and writing today and for that I am most grateful for the assistance of the dynamic EMSAH Staffer Carol Wical.

3. THE POWERHOUSE: A drink at sunset overlooking the Brisbane River at New Farm was the perfect way to debrief and unwind after a mentally draining day. I’m grateful for such a peaceful, relaxing and gorgeous place to be able to chill out with friends. I wish I had something similar near home in Sydney. I’ll be going back here for more ‘research’ on Friday!

: I’m a bit of fan of the local lass who takes the micky out of herself and her dad Barry Buttle. I was grateful for the chuckles I shared with my mate Joan (see above). Can’t give any of the jokes away, so you’ll just have to go enjoy the stories and punch lines for yourself.

5. THE MUSE: The muse was a bit stubborn today. He didn’t want to get out of his bed or his beanie, claiming he had ‘muse rights’ and was entitled to ‘away-from-home-penalty-rates’. Really? I’m just grateful that the muse isn’t a member of the Muse Union.


  1. Air Con...In the lovely NT i so love it. Some days are serious melt downs up here..Love my air con in my car : )

  2. Oh I can imagine! Hope you stayed cool!
