Thursday, March 24, 2011

10 pieces of trivia about yours truly:

Ok, so this is a 'filler' because I am so tired I can hardly think straight tonight. Tomorrow I submit my memoir to Random House, which is a 73,000 word manuscript that I've been consumed with since last November. As you can imagine, I'm a little short on 'extra' words to write here tonight and so I thought I'd share with you '10 pseudo-interesting facts' about me as requested by a media outlet recently.

Let me know if you have any of the below in common with me!

1. I played competition tennis when I was at school, inspired by Evonne Goolagong Cawley. I remember watching Evonne win the 1980 Wimbleton title.

2. A Wiradjuri friend gave me the name Garrandarang Yinaa – meaning ‘book woman’.

3. I’ve gone in the Greencard lottery to live in the US. New York is the only other city I want to live in after Sydney. The pic above is on the Brooklyn Bridge heading into Manhattan. It was below zero that day, temperatures we never have in Sydney, but it was wonderful. The pic below is me having rooftop cocktails at the Gansevoort Hotel Meatpacking district. Where can I have the same in Sydney???

4. I’m terrified of spiders, and I’m grateful for a ‘spider catcher’ I was recently given.

5. I apparently inspired the character Vita in Alex Miller’s novel Landscape of Farewell. Alex and I are mates.

6. I can’t sleep without ear-plugs and an eye-mask. I like feeling as if I’m in a cacoon.

7. I love public speaking and meeting new people but I crave solitude.

8. My father used to call me Houdini as a child because I would disappear (apparently!) whenever there was work to be done.

9. I love travelling but I’m happiest when I’m at home in my modest suburban flat.

10. I rely on positive affirmations every day.


  1. There is a spider trap? I need one of those, for the really big, furry huntsmen spidies that hang around in summer.

  2. Absolutely, check this out: I HATE SPIDERS!!!

  3. Love the post Anita,

    I enjoyed reading about you.

    Congratulations on finishing the manuscript. It sounds epic.

    Hmm, not sure I have a whole lot in common. I never played tennis and I don't mind spiders but I hate moths - no logic there I know - I mean has there ever been a fatality from a red back moth?

    I guess I've always been a bit of a Houdini too and I love travelling, but I'm also happiest at home.

    I enjoy rooftop cocktails too:)

  4. I played tennis because I love the little white outfit my mum made me, I was pretty good at it but netball won out and I went on to play that for nearly 40 years! Oh, and I could easily live in NYC too.

  5. A spider trap would have been handy this evening. Removed a quiche dish from the cupboard to marinade the steak, only to find that it was inhabited by a white-tail spider. Eeeeeek! The bloke was out walking the dogs, so I had to take the matter in hand - with rubber gloves, transportation outside the house, and a visitation by the nearest (hydrocarbon propelled) can of insecticide! Shaking in all over!

  6. Dee - Red Back Moths love it! I'm sure if we sat down over and yarned over a roof top cocktail we'd find plenty in common! :)
    Have a peaceful day!

    Tracey = if only we could wear the little white skirts now eh? Meet you in NYC anytime! Such a vibrant city with plenty of soul!

    Barbara - white tails, aren't they deadly (in the bad way not good way!)? Ewww! I had some jumping insect thing here tonight but my bedroom window is right under a gum tree so often have huntsmans. If I'm going to save the planet and not use insecticide then I have to get man or use the catcher! Hope there's no more 'visitors' there for some time!


  7. Your list made me smile on this beautiful Brissie morning, Anita.
    I love that you're catching spiders to put outside and not killing them - a true daughter of the land. :P

    Like you, I would love to sleep in a cocoon too, but I've never yet found earplugs that don't hurt my ears. So frustrating! That's the main reason I hate travelling long distances by plane - I can't sleep. grrr.

    Love to share a rooftop cocktail with you soon!! xxx s
    PS Congratulations on finishing the ms. Fabulous! Now go and have a brilliant day. :P

  8. I have an irrational fear os snakes and skinks and lizards. Spiders don't really bother me though.Used to love playing tennis and squash...

  9. I love New York, but I wonder if it's different when you are living there and not on holiday? I didn't got to the same hotel as you but went to the fantastic Spice Market in the Meatpacking District for lunch (and a fair amount of cocktails). Just one of the great dining experiences I had in NYC -

  10. I relate very much to 7 and 4, but am the opposite to you with 6 - I can't sleep *with* earplugs.
    and the now-teenage kids of a friend of mine called me the Book Fairy when they were little, because I always gave them books as presents, and lent them lots too :-)

  11. HI SHERLY- does it count if I catch them and THEN spray them? And we WILL have that rooftop cocktail one day. The Red Room at the State Library of QLD on April 30th is a suggestion :) See you soon xx

    DEAR ANONYMOUS! I went to Spice Market and LOVED it. I wrote about in my novel MANHATTAN DREAMING!
    Peace, Anita

    DEAR MAID IN AUSTRALIA: did you find that it was hard to move from tennis to squash because they are such difference games. I had a bit of trouble playing both.

    HI GREENSPACE or should I say Book Fairy? I love that!! :)

  12. Hey Happy Pop - I try to keep it positive every day, not ALWAYS easy, but easier than being miserable :)
