Saturday, February 19, 2011

What I’m grateful for this week:

1. VALENTINE’S DAY: I had the most wonderful VD in memory. A stroll through Tiffany’s, macaroons from Lindt Cafe, a new LBD, a glass – or three - of champagne, and a night at the Sofitel. I’m grateful there’s a nominated day of the year when indulgence like that is completely legitimate. Can’t wait until next year!

2. THE GATHERING: I’m grateful that NITV is airing a new entertainment program each Sunday night called The Gathering and hosted by the gorgeous Belinda Miller. If you check out Episode Two you’ll get a quick glimpse of yours truly at the taping of Oprah at the Opera House on December 14, last year.

I gave myself a little time to soak in the bath as part of my Valentine’s treat and enjoyed reading the beautifully produced women’s glossy titled HEART. I’m grateful for this publication because it’s not about diets and advice on how to revamp age old sexual positions to win the man of your dreams. Rather, this high quality mag celebrates, supports and showcases Indigenous Australian women and their achievements. This month’s edition has inspiring stories by the deadly musician and actor Casey Donovan and, look out, yours truly. You can buy the mag on-line here and for $5.95 it’s incredible value and a valuable resource for all women.

4. WOMEN’S HEALTH MAGAZINE: Aside from the fabulous exercise routines, tips on nutrition and advice on health and fitness generally, I’m grateful for a magazine for real women on how to manage our daily well-being. Oh, and also, I’m grateful they ran my literary Paris travel story this month. So if you’re looking for tips on doing Paris by the book(s), get hold of the March edition on stands now. You can check out details about the mag online also.

5. TIME WITH FRIENDS: With everyone leading incredibly hectic lives, I’m increasingly grateful for the people in my world who make time for coffee, a phone call, a movie or even lunch in the middle of a busy work day. Thanks this week to Robynne and Laurel – old friends from my UNSW days – for a wonderful lunch at Mint Cafe. I’m sure we’ll be going back!


  1. Friendship lunches are so rare these days...well done to get 3 of you available :)

  2. 'Friendship lunches' - that's a great way to define them. Thanks.
