Friday, February 4, 2011

What I’m grateful for this week:

I’m stifling as I write this but I’ve been swimming in one of the most beautiful rock pools today and for that I am grateful. Life is good even in this unbearable heat, but I need to admit that my brain is somewhat fried, so bear with me as try to string something together below... because I must, as everywhere I look, I see / feel something I am grateful for.

1. CYCLONE SAFETY: I’m most grateful this week that my dear friend Jake and her family remained safe and unharmed during the terrifying tropical cyclone Yasi in Far Northern Queensland. I found myself anxious, worried, unable to sleep as my old friend – old as in long time friend not that she’s old – was up there in Cairns amidst it all. But text messages throughout the night and next morning brought good news and relief.
2. VISION BOARD: I’ve been working hard on my vision board and it’s almost finished. It’s helpful to glance to the right in my office and be reminded of my goals and ‘visions’ for 2011. Without giving too much away: ‘Be patient! Be passionate! Be genuine!’ is printed large across the board with images of New York, mocked up headlines I’d like to see in the press this year, and a photo of my face pasted onto the body of a Women’s Health cover girl – this is my favourite. I’m grateful that I at least know my goals for the year and have a direction to follow. And I’m pleased to know that quite a few women I know also have visions boards. Have you? What’s on yours?
3. COLLEGIALITY: I am so humbled by the response I’ve had from friends and colleagues – mostly in the writing and publishing industry – who have agreed to be guest bloggers here in the next month, focussing on what they are grateful for. Because Black History Month is being celebrated in the US and Canada in February, I’ve got some deadly black writers lined up to share what they’re grateful for in this very important month. Already you’ve heard from Bryan-Keyth Wilson below, but during the week we’ll be blessed with words by Nakia Laushaul, with more to come from Patricia Haley and others! I’ve also got some deadly Australian writers and illustrators – Pamela Freeman, Daniella Brodsky, Frane Lessac, Kylie Ladd and Josie Montano to name a few – on my hit list. Of course Sara Foster was here earlier in the week and I'm grateful to he also! Now, be sure and pop back to see what my new guests are all grateful for. I’m VERY excited and of course, most grateful to them for their generosity of spirit, time and words. Please make them welcome and feel free to leave a comment or ask a question.
4. BANGARRA: Every time I see Bangarra perform it makes me want to race home, whack on some lycra and do some stretches to see if I can move like that? NOT! I’m much better dressed in a frock in the audience, as I was last night at the Sydney Theatre Company with hundreds of others enjoying the Community Night fundraiser for the QLD flood victims. We were treated to the latest production SPIRIT about to tour nationally. My favourite dance sequence – is that the correct terminology? - was Blankets, representing the hand-outs under colonial rule, the poison of infected blankets and the symbolism of Aboriginal culture being something smothered. Kudos to the fabulous Stephen Page for another stunning showcase fusing both modern and contemporary dance. Do yourself a favour, limber up and get a ticket to the show.
5. SOUTHERLY BUSTER: I’m grateful for the memories I have of southerly busters that used to come up late afternoon in my suburb, because the actual winds no longer appear. Who stole the buster? Give it back, we need it!


  1. I love the vision board idea! I'm more of a list person myself and don't necessarily need anything more than that to accomplish my goals. But I think that "seeing" the eventual results from achieving the goals that I set would be a much more fun way to stay motivated through all the effort!

    PS - I'm glad your QLD friends made it safe and sound through the cyclone.

  2. I thank you so much for the feature on your blog. It has really opened my eyes. As a writer we tend to think about the words we write and how others ingest them. As I wrote I was "ministering" to myself you can say. I thank you for being a beacon of light not just in Australia, but this "lil ole" Texas boy with a "lil ole" dream has truly been inspired. Kudos mate!

    Bryan-Keyth Wilson

    P.S. I can't wait for the others to write. I know my girls are gonna come with FIYAH!

  3. Hi Amber - thanks for dropping by! I'm a novice at the vision board myself and like you have been a queen of lists for sometime. But trust me, get to Officeworks, get a board and start making it real. I'll take a pic when it's finished and post it. Have a great Sunday!


  4. Bryan-Keyth - your words are resonating within my and around the globe. And I know they have served to inspire our peers from the BWRC and they are all grateful as well. I am looking forward to our next 'gathering' where we can share ideas, storylines, characters, settings and so on. And a laugh or two, because amongst it all, what a fabulous sense of humour we all manage to share. Much peace from this gal in Oz.

  5. Amber - I am Jake and I too am grateful :)

    Bryan-Keyth - I'm still catching up the 'gratefuls'look forward to reading your contribution


  6. Thanks Anita! It is so awesome to share words. I am so excited about my vision board. I think we should all take pics of our boards and post them on our blog. What do ya think?
