Saturday, January 8, 2011

Memories and Mammories, I am grateful...

1. MEMORIES: I’m currently working on my memoirs focussing on my Aboriginal identity, and this week I’ve been writing about my father. It’s a difficult thing to do because I’m still heartbroken from his early death back in 2005. But it’s also given me the opportunity to recall some of the fabulous memories of my childhood and being proud of my father, Joe-The-Carpenter. I’m grateful that I have such fond memories of the greatest man who ever walked the earth (yes, of course I am subjective... but he was!).
2. MAMMARIES: Ok, so the 16Ds get in the way on occasion, and oft times shopping can be a challenge, but it’s fair to say I’m grateful to have them, I mean, how would I keep the strapless dress up otherwise?
3. MOTHERS: Of course I’m grateful for mine, she’s the best (yes, you can contradict me, because your mum’s the best too, right?). But today I’m grateful for all the other wonderful mothers in my world, including Yoli, new mum to Conan. Seeing her in action with the little fella today was so inspiring it almost makes me want to squeeze one out myself. I said almost...

4. MICHAEL BUBLE: I’m grateful for the Michael Buble CDs /DVDs my brother gave me for Christmas. I am cruising Sydney now grooving in my car seat to the delicious sounds of this gorgeous Canadian pop crooner. Yummo!
5. MAHON POOL: My haven, temple, place I feel most at peace is this little piece of paradise at North Maroubra. I am grateful for ANY time I can spend there. Today I had an hour to swim, sit, relax, think and centre myself. Pic above taken today about 1pm.


  1. Lovely so good to be able to have good memories. Think we are both very fortunate and blessed in this regard. Love your local swimming hole . Xxx

  2. I love the memories of my own once was...thank you for reminding me.

    From someone whe couldn't hope to hold up a straples :) xo

  3. Ahhh yes ...sweet mammories , what's not to like ....mmm, yeah. Oh , mahon pool is cool too.. reminds me of what was once known as Sunstrip pool. (It may be known as wylies baths these days)

  4. Hi Lyssa - when you FINALLY come to visit I'll take you to my beautiful temple at Maroubra beach. Am looking forward to it. And that 'special' Green Tea with some WT in it! Love, Anita

  5. Dear Not Too -
    I think you scare the straples as well :) xx

  6. Hey Tez - great to see you here as always! Wylies Baths is still there, at the south of Coogee Beach. Mahon's Pool is at Maroubra and dare I say it, BETTER! Peace from the east mate! Anita
