Wednesday, September 8, 2010

What I’m grateful for Sept 1-8...

1. GRATITUDE: Now, I don’t want to confuse you but I am grateful firstly that I have the capacity to recognise regularly, all the wonderful things in my life and express my gratitude easily. And secondly, I’m grateful this week to hear that others are grateful for my gratitude blog. Children’s author Sally Fussell sent me a lovely email and blogged about how my own gratitude blog has helped her, and so I am grateful for that feedback also. You can check out Sally’s blog here.
2. GENEROSITY: We celebrated Indigenous Literacy Day events nationally this past week. I was fortunate enough to be part of the ILD auction and book swap at Avid Reader in Brisbane and what a fabulous night. On the deck out the back of the West End shop I shared a space with locals and even internationals all wanting to be a part of making real change for Indigenous kids in Australia. Up for auction was an autographed copy of Peter Carey’s Parrot and Olivier in America, a set of Jeannie Baker books (congratulations Darren Godwell on your winning bid... your daughter will be VERY happy). There was a gorgeous painting by local artist Sandi Okayli and a bookshelf full of fabulous titles donated by Random House, Hachette, Harper Collins, Random House, Paul & Alex and Christopher. The spirit in which the auction occurred was the highlight for me. A sense of fun mixed with the seriousness of why people were bidding to raise money. It warmed my heart. After the auction there was a Great Books Swap and the generosity of spirit continued. Being in a room of such giving, kind, politically like-minded people left me feeling grateful for being part of a special moment in time. We raised over $4000 but stay tuned for what we raised nationally. It’s not too late to donate if you haven’t had time to do so already. Just click this link and remember every over $2 is tax deductible.
3. SCARY.COM: You’ve met before. They’re my Commissioner friend up north, and they are VERY scary. I often bow when I see them (or else!). I was incredibly grateful this past week for a phone call from which came at a time when I needed a good yarn, a tear-forming laugh and some inspiration while on the road. I hope you realise my friend that everyone knows that underneath that scary exterior you are pure marshmallow!
4. WIRADJURI WINDOWS: Depicting a local Aboriginal Dreamtime story, the stained glass Wiradjuri windows are part of the Town Hall in Cootamundra and won the Local Government Cultural Award 2009 for Aboriginal Cultural Development. Designed and created by Dianne Berkrey with guidance from local Wiradjuri Elder, Bob Glanville, the artist is now hoping to work with Indigenous artists to portray more stories through Australia. If you’d like sometime inspirational and community minded in your area, contact Dianne directly on:
5. CHOOKY DANCERS: Last night I saw the sensational Chooky Dancers who rose to fame with their version of Zorba the Greek Yolgnu style that has been watched by over 1.5 million people on Youtube. The stage play title ‘Wrong Skin’ currently showing at the Sydney Opera House is the perfect fusion of balanda and Yolgnu dance, drama and music. The experience of culture, politics, humour and deadly dance moves rivals anything I’ve seen anywhere in the world. I can't recommend it higher. GO SEE IT! More power to you fellas, I’m grateful for the experience you shared. Actually, it makes me want to dance!


  1. Thanks for mentioning "Zorba the Greek Yolngu style". A very nice performance by dancers who should be much better known in this hemisphere!

  2. Aren't they fantastic. Such a joy to watch. I'm sure they'll get a tour eventually to the northern hemisphere! Do go seem them if they get to France, OK?
