Thursday, August 5, 2010

What I’m grateful for August 5...

1. POSITIVE PEOPLE: I only want to surround myself with positive people. People with vision. People who can see the silver lining. People who can laugh in the face of adversity. People who wake up in the morning and make a conscious decision to see their day as one filled with possibility. In short, I want to be around people like me, and today I am grateful that my world is full of positive people... mostly...
2. NEGATIVE PEOPLE: I don’t want to be around negative, narrow-minded, miserable people. Having said that, I am grateful they exist because they remind me of my capacity to be positive and how happy I am with life.
3. SHANE CHARLES: My deadly brother based down in Melbourne gifted me some stunning jewellery so I can look real flash at book launches, TV appearances and even when I’m just wearing jeans and a tee to the shops. Thank you for being so generous... and clever. I am grateful you’ve chosen me as a model for your stunning wearable art! Today’s pic has me wearing my favourite piece.
4. CHILLI CON KANGA: Yes, it’s a rare occasion I know, but I was in the kitchen tonight and whipped up, or should I say, wokked up a chilli con kanga... a healthy, hearty meal to warm me up on this cold winters night. I’m grateful that I don’t have any problem eating the national symbol known as Skippy.
5. IRONING: No, I’m not grateful to be able to iron, I’m simply grateful that it’s done!