Friday, August 27, 2010

What I’m grateful for August 27...

1. ST CATHERINE’S: When I woke up this morning I thought to myself: I've I could be anywhere in the world I today, I would be at St Catherine’s College, Waverley. And lo-and-behold that’s exactly where I found myself a few hours later. I spent the day yarning with students about my life as a writer. You can imagine how difficult it was for me to stand and talk about myself for hours on end. Really, it was a chore! But the students were all delightful, laughing in all the right places and then buying books. In all seriousness, I was grateful for the opportunity to be invited into a community that was so welcoming and quite peaceful.
2. PAPER HATS: I love them, seriously. I rarely leave home without one. So you can understand my sheer delight to find one on the table at the literary lunch I spoke at today. It was made out of two sheets of paper with photos of the Brooklyn Bridge on them. A fine fashion accessory for anyone. I’m still wearing it.
3. WEDGES: I was also grateful to find them at the literary lunch with the students. They are not part of my diet usually, but it’s nice to have the odd fat chip when I can.
4. SNAKES: Not the real live wriggly ones, but the lolly ones. Honestly, I felt like I was a kid’s party today, and I liked it. I was only disappointed that there wasn’t any fairy bread!
5. PINK GERALDTON WAX: No, not for the surfboard, and not in a scented candle, but the pink Geraldton wax flower. I received a gorgeous bunch today with hot and pale pink sweet peas. I always feel special when the doorbell rings and there’s a bouquet waiting when I open the door. I’m grateful for the generosity of those who love me.

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