Sunday, July 18, 2010

Being grateful in Montcuq...

1. BEING A PASSENGER: I am rarely ever a passenger and certainly would never drive in Paris, so I am VERY grateful that Sue got us safely out of the city and onto the motorway in her gorgeous mini-coupe (see pic above). It’s nice to be chauffeured around when you are always the driver back home. Although, I am pleased to say that I did my fair share of the driving once we were on the open road. Navigating a right-hand drive on the right side of the road was a novelty and challenge at times. But we arrived in Montcuq in one peace and on time to watch the World Cup final!
2. AUSTRALEDEN: This is the name of the 13th century stone house I stayed in, in the little village of Montcuq, five hours south of Paris. Check it out here! It was spacious and authentic with shutters on the windows and wooden floors and gorgeous flowers around doorway. I loved opening the shutters in the morning (and following my afternoon nap) to look directly across the road at the peoples enjoying everything from coffee to confit of duck at any one of the three restaurants only steps away from my front door. I can’t wait to go back and am grateful for my three days to get some rest after working pretty much non-stop since leaving Sydney on June 18.
3. SUNFLOWERS: The region in which we cruised around Montcuq was simply stunning countryside with fields and fields of sunflowers. We just had to stop and take photos... see above.
4. FLIRTATIOUS FRENCHMEN: Let’s face it, a little flirting goes a long way, and it’s always more interesting with a language barrier. If one can’t communicate in words, one can only stare and smile. So thanks to the chef Christophe who didn’t say much but didn’t need to. You made me feel young again! 
5. DUCK, CHICKEN, STEAK: I’ve never been so grateful for meat in my life. I sometimes toy with the idea of becoming a vegetarian but when you eat meat the way the French cook it, you can’t pass it up. Three nights in Montcuq, three amazing meals and the best French fries ever. Yes, I know, I won’t be eating anything exciting at all when I get back to Oz. It will be steamed vegies and salads for the rest of my life... blah, blah, blah!


  1. I love your sunflower photos. There is just something special and cheerful about a field full of sunflowers.

  2. Hi Cathy - even with my tiny little camera the flowers look beautiful. It was peaceful cruising the countryside with such colour to calm and inspire us. Hope you're having a wonderful time wherever you are.
    Peace, Anita

  3. Wow.
    Colour me jealous. France sounds and looks just gorgeous.

    So, busy girl, will you be in Brisvegas for the Writers Festival in September? If so I'm looking forward to seeing what you'll wear, after shopping in Paris.

    That dress you wore last time I saw you there was just gorgeous, BTW.

  4. Hey Sara! Thanks for dropping by. Yes am at BWF for schools program and general program. Looking forward to it. Have to admit by the time I got to Paris via New York I had no room left in the bags, but did with 9 dresses and 5 pairs of shoes in NYC so they'll be on show in Bris-Vegas for sure. See you there.
    Peace from Barcelona!

  5. Aha. The program came out on the weekend and I see you're on with Rebecca Sparrow. I shall be there.

    If you start pining for France when you are at the WF there's a patisserie in Melbourne Street SW1 called 'French Twist' that might help with the yearnings....not that I'm trying to corrupt you with my carbohydrate loading program, but its tres bon and very hard to resist. I ducked in to pick up an eclair earlier and despite my best efforts at self control, a citrus tart followed me home too.

    Happy traveling. Looking forward to seeing you.

  6. Hey! That's my sister driving you around...she is so capable, isn't she? She held my hand around Paris, London and Rome, magic times. No wonder you had fun!

  7. Hi Jo - your fabulous sister was wonderful - driving, navigating, keeping my fluids up! We had SO MUCH FUN! And thanks for dropping by here!
