Sunday, May 2, 2010

What I'm grateful for this weekend...

1. COMMUNITY THEATRE: I took myself off to experience the Chester St Theatre Group Inc and their production of Dinkum Assorted. I was interested in the story of wartime Australia (1942), life in the country town of Warrabadanga and a passionate group of women working in the local biscuit factory. And I was proud to see my friend Joan Rodd playing the role of Big Beet – and I’m not biased at all, but Big Beet had the best lines of the production. I found sitting in the Chester Street Uniting Church Hall in Epping inspiring. I was grateful for the reminder of the place and importance of community theatre in our culture as I made small talk with other theatre goers and local supporters . I think I’ll check out what my own local theatre group is up to. [Today's pic of me and Terri Janke - my sister in Saturday night community theatre activities...]
2. WORD COUNTS: Yes they do matter because I have a contract that says I will deliver a certain amount... I’m grateful then that my goal of 70,000 words is getting closer and closer. It has meant working on the weekend, but that’s the writerly life and I love it!
3. CHARLIE BROWN: I am SO grateful to Australian designer Charlie Brown because she makes gorgeous, elegant, classy and groovy clothes for women with flesh, curves and boobs. I have worn Charlie Brown dresses to speaking engagements in Tahiti, Beijing, the Sydney Opera House, the QLD State Library, numerous writers festivals and on telly. I started to panic today because I didn’t have a frock for the upcoming 2010 Women of Style Awards ceremony on May 11. With all the faith in world, I headed into Charlie Brown and found at least three frocks that would do the job well. Just a word of advice to the other Australian designers: why don’t you start designing for women who look like they’ve reached puberty already! Many of us will never be a size 8 and don’t want to be. We’re healthy and happy the way we are and we like to wear pretty clothes also!
4. MUM’s HOUSE: I’m grateful that I live 400m from Mum’s house. It’s easy to see her every day, check she’s all right, I can do my washing, and of course, like all Mum’s houses... my mum always has a fridge full of goodies. Today, I found a lonely Lindt Easter egg... sorry Mum, but you should’ve known to hide it! Yummo!
5. MY BED: I’ve slept in a lot of strange beds these past months – and yes that sounds far more interesting and exciting that it really is – and so I am grateful to be home in my own. I love my pillows, my linen, the fact that my bed faces south – the correct feng shui for me.


  1. Hi ma'am i'm Ahmed from Sudan and study literature in India tomorrow i have an exam on australian lit. and m enjoying ur poetry collection Token Koori, keep smiling dear.

  2. Hi Ahmed, hope the exam went well and you get something from my words in TOKEN KOORI. Peace, Anita
