Saturday, April 3, 2010

What I'm grateful for April 1st..

We had the last shebang tonight, the final Manhattan Dreaming launch, held in Canberra, and what a way to end the book tour. The five things I am most grateful for:
1. Leilani Bin-Juda: The deadly diva from DFAT should have been packing for Shanghai –where she’s going to be working on the Australian Pavilion at World Expo – but she was doing a sterling job MC-ing my book launch. I am so grateful for her absolute professionalism, making the even run smoothly with style and humour. Thanks gorgeous girl, see you in Asia for NAIDOC – hopefully!
2. KERRY REED-GILBERT : My Wiradjuri sista launched my book in her usual kind, warm, generous way. Kerry and I have been on the writing journey together for almost 20 years... and yet neither of us has aged a day! I’m grateful for Kerry’s unconditional friendship and support – and for the stunning collection of scarves she has gifted me over the years. I think we are running out of ideas of what to give each other for birthdays.
3. FRIENDS: I was so humbled and grateful for my Canberra-based friends and family who came along tonight. Also, to see long lost friends from way back in the Dreamtime, when the Acton Peninsula was home to ANU buildings (where I researched my PhD) and not hotels and bars where I now research commercial novels. It was also lovely to meet some of my Twitter followers and Facebook friends and one STALKER! Security not needed, thankfully.
4. DIAMANT HOTEL : I love this hotel which is in revamped ANU buildings including the old Australian Institute for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Studies. There’s a Library Cocktail Bar here. When I first visited I sat at a table with a cocktail menu in front of me and books behind me and I thought I’d died and gone to writers’ heaven. If you missed my travel story on Canberra, you can check it out here The rooms are sleek and white and roomy. It’s my new place of choice to stay while in the ‘Berra from now on. They also hosted the launch in the Library Bar, of course, and I am grateful for the support for not only my writing career, but the writing community in the Capital.
5. FLINT RESTAURANT: I’m grateful to Flint Dining Room and Bar for sponsoring the food for my launch. And as it turned out, they make some of the best salt’n’pepper squid around. I’ve been searching the planet for it, as you know, and I rarely eat seafood inland, but this dish was sublime. Don’t believe me, try it yourself, and while you’re there, try any one of their pizzas. Too good for words... even for this here writer!
6. Z4 WINES: Obviously there is a connection between creativity and a good wine, and so I am grateful to Bill Mason and Z4 Wines for their sponsorship of my launch also. If you like a good wine with dinner, or like me, have happy hour at home, best you get on-line and check out (and order) some award-winning Z4 wines here.
[Pic of moi with my gorgeous Murray cousins - Donna and Allara, also deadly Wiradjuri women!]

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