Friday, March 5, 2010

What I'm grateful for March 3...

1. I.L.P. : Today we launched the Indigenous Literacy Project and I’m grateful to all the Australian publishers and booksellers involved in setting the project up, continuing to maintain it, and doing it all as a matter of goodwill, that is, voluntary. I’m also grateful to the other ILD Ambassadors like Tara June Winch, Alexis Wright, Aunty May O'Brien, Andy Griffiths, Kate Grenville and David Malouf who give of their time to help raise awareness and money for the project. We all want Indigenous kids to be able to read. [Pic above of Aunty May O'Brien and yours truly and moi with David Malouf at the launch]
2. GOOD WILL: There is a massive amount of goodwill in this country, the world actually. Sometimes that good will translates to tangible outcomes / actions. For example, at the close of the ILD launch today a tiny bucket was passed around and we raised $2000 in about 15 mins. One gentleman walked straight up to Andy Griffiths and handed him $100, so intent was he in being part of the ILD project and wanting to assist in making change in terms of Indigenous literacy. The bucket of goodwill is filling up! If you’d like to add to the bucket of goodwill – and it doesn’t have to be cash – then please go to the Indigenous Literacy project website
3. FESTIVAL INVITATIONS: I am grateful for the invitations to attend writers’ festivals, not only because I get to talk books and writing, meet readers, catch up with friends and sell books, but also because I get to go to exotic places – like Perth and Adelaide! This week I also received invitations to go to Ubud and Hong Kong. Not too shabby eh?
4. JULIETTE HUBBARD: She’s a deadly tidda I met on MySpace, not sure who stalked who, but we follow each other on-line quite a bit. We only met in person last September as I had a short stay in Perth, but we’re thick as thieves, so to speak – really, neither of us would steal anything, truly we wouldn’t. Not even chocolate, not even if we were totally desperate. I’m gratefuil for Juliette’s friendship, showing me her favourite brunch spot in Perth, organising Aunty Janet to do the welcome to country for my launch and indeed, for being the Mistress of Ceremony for the event. She is truly a star! [pic of Ms J and I above at the launch]
5. DUCIER: I'm grateful to the David Unaipon Centre for Indigenous Education and Research who hosted a launch of Manhattan Dreaming last night. Massive thanks to Brenda L Croft, Jared Thomas and Peter Buckskin for making it all happen.

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